September 27, 2012

Cibo Series: Seafood Carbonara

I have decided to start a series of posts that will feature my long list of favorite foods (in no particular order, but this one is, I think, an exception). I keep a list of my favorite food and beverage. That is how unnecessary I am. I have this list but every time somebody would ask me what my favorite food is, I always tell them it's Seafood Carbonara - especially one that is well-made. Oh, heaven. I can eat Carbonara forever, even if forever isn't empirically quantifiable. I don't care, thank you.

Generally, I love pasta dishes except for spaghetti. I don't eat spaghetti because I don't really like food that's tomato-flavored. But I love lasagna. That is how inconsistently ridiculous I am.

My mom liked making Carbonara even when I was a kid but at that time, I just ate and ate. As long as it tasted good, I'm gonna eat it. (From that statement, you will probably have imagined me to be a fat kid. No, I was not.)

I have always loved seafood. Since I also love pasta (which is not tomato-flavored, I repeat), this dish is heaven for me. I love shrimps, melted cheese, squids, mushrooms, etc. I basically love everything about this dish. Glory to God in the highest and peace on his people on earth!

A few months ago, tita Ellen made Seafood Carbonara for us young'uns. It was really good. What made it better was the spiciness, given that I am addicted to spicy food. I will probably die by burning from it. If it wasn't a hassle on her part, I would probably ask her to make one for us regularly. The nerve.

Here is a step by step process on how to make one. It's very easy. No sarcasm.

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