August 15, 2011

Blogging Dilemma

I always told myself that I will never be able to make the best post in a blog. I always wanted to blog. I love writing. However, I also have strong commitment issues. I can never stick and be faithful to a blog. I have tried blogging so many times and I would always end up giving up, starting a new one, giving up again and I can go on forever. After all, I have commitment issues in almost all aspects of my life. "More than friends" relationships, decisions in life, blogging, I could go on forever. Contrary to giving up blogs, I actually have a living blog which I still use and has been in function mode over the past few years. However, the frequency of the post has become drastically meager. This is also a predicament I have to solve.

Having said all of the above, I'm not even sure if this blog will last long, which I am expecting it to. But I hope it does because I am planning to pour sincere passion about blogging to it. I want to sweat and sacrifice blood just to make myself be satisfied of it. I know it is hard considering the personality that I am but who knows, this can be a challenge.

1 comment:

  1. GO DO IT, Toytos! :) I've been reading your blog for quite some time now and I really admire all the hard work you are doing! I appreciate your every perspective and of course your willingness to share your thoughts. Well i think your blog is so cool and you're doing a really great job! please keep them coming! xoxo
