November 24, 2012


The setting was my elementary school. In the early part, during day time, there were classes being held and one of them had a very aggressive teacher madly teaching her pupils. I wasn't sure if they were pupils or students. There were some kind of activities held at the school grounds.

I was with my friends and we were by the flagpole, doing whatever. I then saw my college professor, Mr. Talde. Surprised, I walked up to him and had a small talk about how it was after college. Even in my dreams, he enjoyed brief chats like those. He also mentioned something about phones. In that talk, Mr. Talde did something that I cannot mention in this post, if you know what I mean.

Towards the evening, the school rooms turned into transient rent rooms. I remember a group of people which were checked in room 105. Unfortunately, they were having a hard time falling asleep there because the room was reportedly "haunted." I even gave the room a peek and indeed, it gave me the creeps albeit nothing strange was seen. They then transferred to a different room and it was the one we used when we were in 6th grade.

In an entirely different dream of mine later on, my house was being attacked by a burglar. But it was no ordinary burglary. The criminal was dressed in a Batman costume, but a very poorly made one, suggesting that it was made by a non-professional costume maker. The perpetrator kept running around the house, apparently avoiding being caught. I wasn't even aware which household items he was able to snag.

Just moments before I woke up, evil kids were around my house and they were attacking us from the outside. I got really mad so I got my airsoft gun and shot them like I was some expert assassin. After the kids realized they were no match for me, they left. However, to my discontent, I went outside and tried shooting them more.

Then I woke up.

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