November 28, 2012


I could still recall the intense delight I felt the first time I tasted this drink. It was an orgasmic whirl of extreme tastiness. In fact, I forgot my name at that very moment.

Ribena is a British brand of fruit-based uncarbonated softdrink. Strange as it may seem, I have never come across this drink in the Philippines. I had my first Ribena drink while I was in Hong Kong when my cousin introduced it to me who encountered it first in Malaysia. She said I'd die. I did.

My cousin told me that they don't sell these in the Philippines. However, sometime ago, I have read an article somewhere that the Ribena products in the Singapore market are from Malaysia and the Philippines. But obviously, I haven't seen any.

I didn't grow up being used to blackcurrant flavors so I'm guessing that's the reason I loved it so much. Meanwhile, I accidentally bought a ridiculously expensive juice drink in a fancy bottle at Starbucks that I forgot what the name was, and if I am not mistaken, that was also blackcurrant flavored because I liked it despite the apparent blandness.

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